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Quebec, Canada
Conflict resolution system

Bicolline is a live-combat fantasy larp campaign in Canada. The larp takes place at a 140 Hectare purpose-built venue, the Duchy of Bicolline, and takes place in French.


Bicolline runs as a campaign with events throughout the year, but also hosts an annual "Battle of Bicolline", a seven-day fest larp which attracts over 3,000 participants.

Military Campaigns

A single day event, held monthly, generally lasting 8 hours. Military campaigns have a story, and stakes involving the Geopolitical Game. Within the campaign there will be some number of scenarios, generally between 4 and 6, although occasionally there may be only one scenario lasting all day. These scenarios are published ahead of time by the game system, in French, for Guilds to construct strategies.


On most campaign days there is also a Soiree held. These are tavern nights usually attending by the majority of combatants from the campaign. Additionally the players of the Geopolitical game and the economic game attend. Additionally in March La Bal Pourpre is held. This Masquerade ball is well attended and popular. It is the only Bicolline event held offsite.

Special Events

Similar to Campaign Larp events, Adventures take place over two days. Players attend as their persona and engage in both Role Playing and combat associated with Bicolline. While Military Campaigns and the Grand Battle focus on combat, the Adventures focus on story and emotion.

La Grande Bataille

Taking place in August of each year, La Grande Bataille, the Grand Battle, is the event of the year. Over 3,000 participants camp in both Decorum and Non Decorum campsites for 7 days. Players attend quests, fight in mass military conflict, and perform magic rituals. All game layers are open and active during the week. Every player is given a Population card for attending (both member and non member). These cards drive the economy as they are valuable for guilds.

Layers of Gameplay

There are multiple games being played simultaneously at Bicolline. The highest level is referred to as the 'jeu géopolitique'. This layer is a 4x game played on a virtual map. This map drives the economy, which in turn determines what kinds of artillery or monsters a guild can field in battle. Magic effects the virtual map, while religion effects the players more directly. These five layers, Virtual, Economic, Magical, Religious, and Combat form the basis for game play at Bicolline. It's possible for guilds to gain power in one or more of these layers, although difficult to manage all of them.

External links