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|category=Campaign larps


Latest revision as of 21:04, 7 January 2015

Please copy and paste the following into pages that talk about individual larp games.

|image=ImageName.jpg/gif/png of yourself if you wish
|name=The Game Name
|motto=LARPS are cool!
|location=City, State
|genre=Is it fantasy, steampunk, sci-fi, modern horror, post-apocalypse, etc.
|combat_system=Heavy boffer combat, Light-Touch boffer combat, turn based, rock paper scissors, etc.
|duration=4-6 hours, Full Weekend, Day long
|established=When was the game established/started?
|events_per_year=How many events does this larp run per year?
|full_credits=who created, owns/manages, is a part of the GM team or is otherwise the head of the game
|participation_fee=cost to play the game
|rule_system=Custom rulebook, pre-published system (and if so where to find it/name), etc.
|homepage_link_text=Your link text here

Please delete this text and put in-game setting and history information here.

==Game history==
Please delete this text and note any out-of-game historical information about the game here. This may include who founded the game, details about its founding, why it was started, other people who have helped to lead it or have had a significant impact on it, etc.

==External links==
Please delete this text and provide any other links to non-wiki sources here.

The above code would create the following. Please replace the text with the appropriate information for your game (don't touch the lables (anything before the equal sign)).

City, State
Is it fantasy, steampunk, sci-fi, modern horror, post-apocalypse, etc.
Conflict resolution system
Heavy boffer combat, Light-Touch boffer combat, turn based, rock paper scissors, etc.
4-6 hours, Full Weekend, Day long
When was the game established/started?
Games per year
How many events does this larp run per year?
who created, owns/manages, is a part of the GM team or is otherwise the head of the game
Participation fee
cost to play the game
Rule system
Custom rulebook, pre-published system (and if so where to find it/name), etc.
Your link text here


Please delete this text and put in-game setting and history information here.

Game history

Please delete this text and note any out-of-game historical information about the game here. This may include who founded the game, details about its founding, why it was started, other people who have helped to lead it or have had a significant impact on it, etc.

External links

Please delete this text and provide any other links to non-wiki sources here.