The Road Not Taken

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The Road Not Taken

Number of players
How long it runs
2 hours
Date written
Mike Young
The Road Not Taken

The Road Not Taken is an experimental theatre-style larp for 6-12 players by Mike Young, in which the participants play voices and competing points of view in the head of the main character as they face a series of dilemmas and life decisions. The game uses character switching, with players also taking turns to play the main character (so it is not a horde game). The game has been widely played, with Larp Resume listing runs in the USA, Australia, Norway, and Canada.[1]

The game was runner-up in the 2010 Larpwriter Challenge.[2] A second set of dilemmas has been written by Aaron Vanek.[3]


The Road Not Taken is an experimental LARP of decisions and emotions. In it, each player will have the opportunity to take the spotlight in a scene and make a tough decision. It is a serious game of deep emotions, difficult decisions, and psychodrama using the format of 10 Bad LARPs.


  1. The Road Not Taken, Larp Resume. Retrieved 1 February 2015. Note that Larp Resume listings are usually incomplete.
  2. ...and the winner is... Larpwriter Challenge, 22 November 2010. Retrieved via 1 February 2015.
  3. The Road Not Taken (v2), Live Game Labs. Retrieved 1 February 2015.

External links