The Barbecue

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The Barbecue

Domestic drama
2 hours
Date run
Number of participants
Jeff Diewald, Marsha Gershon, Sarah Judd, Joshua Kronengold, Joshua Rachlin, Gaylord Tang

The Barbecue is a 10-player theatre-style domestic drama larp. It was written by Jeff Diewald, Marsha Gershon, Sarah Judd, Joshua Kronengold, Joshua Rachlin, and Gaylord Tang at the Build Your Own Game seminar at NELCO 2012.


It’s a quiet, sunny summer day in the suburbs. The monthly neighborhood barbecue (and pie contest) will be hosted by the Kessenich family this Sunday. The Rossi and Lee family will be in attendance as usual, along with the Kessenich’s new tenant Brittany.

This is a freeform-style, character-driven drama, lightly plotted with no magic or supernatural elements. GM-sanctioned mayhem only. Mature themes.