Larp Wiki:Style Guide

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Revision as of 16:08, 7 March 2014 by Mneme (talk | contribs) (2 revisions: first part of the us larp wiki)
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This wiki is for documentation, not for advertisement. Stick to writing about things that have happened and document them. When it comes to theories and techniques you should be able to reference a game, a convention presentation or panel, article or other source and not just start articles when you get inspiration for a new idea. If you have a new idea, organize a game, write a blog post with your thoughts, etc. When describing larps, the entries should describe the them vividly and convey a general feeling of what it is or was like to play in the game.

The intended reader is a person who knows what role-playing and larping is. They may be a player, a game designer, an artist, a researcher, but the texts should be accessible also to people with no background in any of these fields.


When discussing games please use the original, whole names of the games (e.g. All the President's Zombies). Also, include the names of the head organizers, location, when the game was run and if it an ongoing campaign game. After mentioning the full name once, shorthand may be used, e.g. AtPZ.

Be careful when using: player, larper, participant, role (when meaning character), character.

Italicize names of games, books and movies. Do not italicize organizations or people.


When including pictures, check that you have permission to publish them on the web. You mey need to check with the photographer, the models, and the game organizers - depending on the picture and where it was taken. It is a hassle, yes, but all of these people are in our community. Treat them with respect.

When including pictures, always include the name of the photographer. Just as important is to mark the photo as 'play' (taken during play), 'diegetic' (taken during play as part of the playing), 'workshop' (photo from workshop), 'portrait' (characters posing before of after the game), 'offgame', 'marketing' etc. Give context. Also, a kickass caption is to die for.


Please use the available page templates and note how they are used.